How Do You Know if Youre Going to Heaven or Hell

There are so many issues causing uncertainties these days...illness, shortages, conflicts, economic challenges, and more. With all that we confront each mean solar day, information technology'due south good to have some things we can count on.

Simply what if every bit believers, we have uncertainties well-nigh where we'll go one solar day when we dice? What if we're non certain nosotros'll get to heaven?

I was one of those people years ago. God led me to a Bible study where all my questions were answered. And at present I don't think I may go to sky, I don't promise I'll go to heaven, just I know I'm going to heaven.

And I can't continue that kind of news to myself.

Built-in Sinners

When I met Lois Peterson at a Bible study she taught in her home, I was struck by how she talked about Jesus. It was every bit if she knew him personally. I had been brought upward in a religion and was taught if you wanted to go to heaven it was a matter of practise's and don'ts. There was a long listing.

Simply when I started to learn what the Bible taught, my eyes were opened. The Bible said that God is Holy and without sin. When God created human with free volition, the ability to choose. When Adam and Eve disobeyed God, they were banished from the garden of Eden (Genesis 3:23-24). Afterward that, anyone born of this world was born a sinner (Romans 5:12, Romans 3:23).

We cannot go to heaven as sinners—God is holy and just. And so God made an admission for united states to heaven (John 3:16). God did this because he loves u.s..

closeup of John 3-16 in an open Bible Photo Credit: ©Sparrowstock

Salvation Is a Gift

It was hard for me when I realized all the things I had been doing on my to-do list were getting me nowhere. I had been trusting in the works I had done. Things like going to church building, trying to be a good person, etc.

Instead, I learned that going to heaven was something God provided. Information technology is by God'south grace and we take it through faith (Ephesians 2:8-9).

If salvation could be earned and then nosotros would e'er be able to boast most what nosotros did to earn information technology. Yous don't work for gifts. If you do, they are no longer gifts.

Our Works Are Rags

I still call back listening to that Bible teacher on that first dark. When she said what we did trying to go to heaven didn't assistance, I started feeling uneasy inside. And I hate to admit information technology, but I recollect thinking that very moment, Possibly she needed a Savior but I was doing only fine.

And then Lois read me a verse that said our righteousness was as filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6). Information technology was that poetry that fabricated me uncomfortable. I had been counting on the things I was doing. I didn't realize information technology at the time, simply I was trying to piece of work my way into heaven. Later all, I reasoned, I had never killed anyone. I went to church, I tried following the ten commandments. Didn't that count for anything?

What most Our Sin?

I learned that God is holy and simply. Even the best we could give God is even so tainted with sin considering nosotros are born sinners.

In the Old Attestation, God told the people to accept a lamb which was considered a clean brute. They were to kill the lamb and put the lamb'south blood on the doorpost of their houses. When the expiry angel would pass over the houses, if at that place was blood on their door posts, those within were covered by that blood. God said, "Without the shedding of claret, in that location was no forgiveness" (Hebrews 9:22).

And God provided a lamb for united states of america. A perfect lamb who had never sinned. 1 day when John the Baptist was baptizing, he saw his cousin Jesus approaching him. John said, "Behold the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world," (John 1:29). Jesus became our lamb.

Photograph Credit: ©GettyImages/mbolina

Paid in Total

When Jesus died on the cross, at 1 point he said, "It is finished." When people were put in prison many years ago, and they fulfilled their sentence, the words, "Tetelestai" were written by their cell. The literal translation of that word ways, "It is finished." That aforementioned word was written on business concern documents in the New Testament times to point that a person'south bill was paid in full.

While there are priests who daily made sacrifices, Jesus said that this man who had made ane sacrifice for sins sat downwardly at the correct hand of God (Hebrews x:eleven-12).

He sat down because he was finished.

We Still Have a Choice

But we accept gratis will. God doesn't force usa to believe, or accept what he provided for us. God loved me so much he provided Jesus as a payment for my sins. Zilch I did took care of one sin. Our salvation is not based on anything we can do. (Titus 3:5)

God tells us our organized religion is counted for righteousness when we place it in what Jesus did (Romans 4:5) When I was a religious person, I hoped I'd go to heaven 1 mean solar day, only I was never certain most it.

But when I attended a 2d Bible report and listened more intently to what Lois taught, on the way habitation something clicked. As the rain drizzled down a friend's auto window everything became crystal clear.

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/Mimai Mig

I Know Where I'm Going

The next twenty-four hour period I called Lois and said, "Lois, I'thou saved. I know I'm going to heaven!" My conservancy was not based on anything except what Jesus had done for me. Instead of trusting in what I could practise, I put my trust in what Jesus did.

Someone from the Bible written report shared verses with me about eternal life. "He that has the Son has life and He that does not accept the Son does not take life…I write these things unto yous so that you may know you take eternal life," (1 John 5:12-thirteen) I didn't have to wonder anymore. I knew for sure.

When Nicodemus was watching the miracles of Jesus, he told Jesus that he must be from God. Jesus answered and told Nicodemus that a man needed to be born again (John 3:six).

I was built-in a sinner and the night I saw that Jesus died for me, I was built-in once again.

Someone gave me another special verse she called a birthday poetry. It told me that when I made my determination to put my religion in what Jesus did on the cross, there was a birthday party for me in sky and the angels were rejoicing (Luke 15:x).

What about yous? Are yous certain when you lot die that y'all will go to sky? I desire you to know I'm praying for you.

A Prayer for You

Lord, I lift up anyone who is reading this article correct now. I ask you to prepare hearts for the wonderful truth in your Give-and-take. God, in that location is so much confusion in the world right now. We demand to put our trust in the fact that yous are sovereign and you know everything that we face each day. Lord, I know how much you honey us. So much that you gave usa Jesus. I pray that many will meet and sympathise fully what Jesus meant in John xiv:6, when he said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No ane comes to the Begetter, except through me." Lord, this is my prayer. That people would see Jesus is the merely way. I pray this all in your Son's precious and Holy name. Amen.

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Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/ArtyFree

Anne Peterson is a regular contributor to Crosswalk. Anne is a poet, speaker, published author of 16 books, including her latest book, Always There: Finding God's Comfort Through Loss. Anne has as well written and published a book entitledHe Whispers: Poetic talks with God. Sign up for Anne's newsletter at and receive a gratuitous eBook past clicking the tab. Or connect with her on Facebook.


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