Jewel Box House Grand Designs

Introduction: Box Designing

This is an instructable on how to make wooden boxes of all shapes and sizes, that you can cut out on the laser cutter.

I made three separate boxes, in my engineering class. These boxes are all for different purposes, two of the boxes are for classrooms in the school, and my last box is for my house.


Step 1: Supply List

- Flash Drive

- Adobe Illustrator; downloaded to your computer

- Laser Cutter Access

- Sketch Notebook

- Ruler (Measurements)

- Wood or any material, for box

- Sandpaper

- Wood glue

- Clear Spray Paint

- Decorative supplies


Step 2: Brainstorm and Measure

Step 3: Box Designer

Next, you need to pull out your computer and go to Once you pull up the website- use the measurements from your measurements paper. You will need to plug your boxes length, width, and height. Plugging the width of the material (of your choice) is also needed. After this is all complete, press create box- this will bring you to an outline of your box. The most important thing to do after you complete all of the steps is to download the outline to your computer.

Step 4: Gravit Design

If you wish to make any special changes to your box, you can go to Gravit Designer. On this webpage, you will need to download your box outline- in order to edit without having to recreate your box. On Gravit you can delete a side of the box; if you don't want a top, you can even create inserts to go inside of your box, to make sections. Once you feel content with your box, you need to- file save as, and save it as a PDF to your computer.

Step 5: Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator allows you to convert your PDF into an ai file, just for the laser cutter. Open your PDF inIllustrator, click save as. Select where you would like to save it, and then go to file and select ai. Once you have selected ai and named your box, click save. Make sure this ai file gets saved on your flash drive.

Step 6: Laser Cut

Inject your flash drive into the laser cutter, select the speed and power needed for your material thickness. Upload the complete file to the laser cutter, and select it when it appears. (It will be the name you saved it as) Make sure to autofocus and frame your wood with the nozzle of the laser cutter- so you make sure that your material is the correct size for your box. Now, set the origin on laser cutter; then click start. Your box shouldn't take too long to cut, once your material is all cut- you can start building!

Step 7: Glue

Now that your box is cut out, you need to lay it out to make sure everything fits together.


- Wood glue

- painters tape

As you glue the sides together, you will need to tape the sides together to make sure the sides will be sturdy when they dry.

Step 8: Sand

After glueing your box together you will want to sand your box, so it is no longer gritty to the touch. Your box should be very smooth and shouldn't get you any splinters.

My best advice to you is to start with a really small number in sandpaper, then build up as you go on.

Step 9: Paint

Finally, you can decorate your box. (This is an optional step) Paint and other decor can add personality to your box, but it is up to you.

I spray painted my box, and there was a series of steps I followed:

1. Primer

2. Spray paint, color of your choice (do multiple layers, until you're content)

3. Water resistant, spray paint.

Step 10: Reflect

This is my final product, paint brush holder.

I really enjoyed this project, and I recommend doing it! If you are interested in making a box like mine, I recommend following the given instructions, and then posting about your experiences!!!!! Hope you enjoy (:

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